Mainstream Menopause Advice is Misleading Active Women

Fasting, keto, low carb, all zone 2 all the time…those rules are not for us.

It’s been two years since my menopause training book, Next Level, came out and three years since we started working on it. Though it’s nearly impossible to believe at this point, just three or four...

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Restricting Carbs Hurts Performance and Health

 Want to avoid LEA and REDs?

Eat enough carbohydrates.

As fasting, keto, and carb-phobia continue to be promoted across social media, we’ve seen an uptick in low energy availability (LEA) across the spectrum of athletes. In my own work, I’ve found about 55 percent of individuals...

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How to Fuel to Compete in the Heat

Staying on top of nutrition becomes more challenging as the temperatures rise.

With much of the US stuck in sweltering late summer temps, the seasons changing in the Southern Hemisphere, and Kona right around the corner, I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about a training and racing...

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Empowering Female Athletes. Part 2

Digging into the rest of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Female Athlete Position Stand. Here’s what you need to know.

In the last blog, I discussed the first part of the International Society of Sport Nutrition (ISSN) Position Stand for the Female Athlete. In case...

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Empowering Female Athletes. Part 1

A Review of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Female Athlete Position Stand

I am just back from a whirlwind trip in the US, and one of the stops was to present the new Female Athlete Position Stand at the International Society of Sport Nutrition’s (ISSN) annual conference. The...

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Are You Draining Your Body’s Battery Power? [Revised]

If you’re an active female, chances are you’re at risk for low energy availability and the health consequences it brings. Here’s what you need to know. 

When researchers screen the nutritional intake of female athletes, a staggering percentage are not eating enough to...

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How to Train Your Gut

Females suffer more GI issues than their male counterparts. Here’s how to get the fuel you need without the GI distress you don’t.

Women are no strangers to GI distress. Research shows we’re more prone to symptoms like bloating, stomach cramps, and constipation, partially...

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What Women Need to Know About the Gut Microbiome

Digestion is just the beginning of what this “virtual organ” does for your health, performance, and well being.

What you eat is essential for health and performance. But what you put in your mouth is only part of the equation. What is happening in your gut, is just as, if not...

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Can (and Should) Women Carb Load?

What you need to know about the pre-event pasta party.

Women perform best when they’re well-fueled. Anyone who follows me here is clear on that. Women should prioritize protein to make and maintain our muscles. We also need carbs, of course, to fuel our exercise, training, and competition....

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Why Women Need to Prioritize Protein

The right amount of this essential macronutrient keeps your female physiology working its best.

Building and maintaining muscle is essential not just for performance but also for health and longevity. Lower muscle mass is associated with increases in metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease,...

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The Power of Plant-Centered Eating

Building the foundation of your diet on plants builds a strong foundation for health and performance, especially for women.

Since I spend so much time helping inform how other people should eat for optimal health and performance, many women ask me how I eat. I have been a plant-centered athlete...

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You’re Not a Small Man, But You May Need to Eat Like One!

Research shows that female athletes have the same relative energy requirements as their male counterparts.

As anyone who’s been following me for more than 3 days knows, I’m all about women fueling properly, because the fact is that most active women do not eat enough to support their...

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