Perfect for active women at any level, coaches (all genders), health professionals, and anyone into sport and fitness who wants to learn more about the physiology of menopause and how to eat and train for each stage.
Next Level Training for Optimal Performance
Menopause 2.0
Check out this three-minute overview to learn more about what’s in the course, including the science behind menopause, the hormones and phases, possible interventions, practical application and training needs, plus nutrition and case studies.
By the end of this course you will:
- Have the critical thinking tools to filter through the marketing “noise” in the fitness and wellness world to find the truly useful information
- If you’re a coach or health professional, you’ll have the foundation to build training plans for your clients to support them through each stage of menopause
- Understand how to use different foods to help mitigate some common issues surrounding menopause as well as how to eat and train in each stage
Ready to start living your best life?
Together we’ll demystify Menopause and give you the science and practical steps to improve and maintain performance for years to come!
Menopause 2.0: Next Level Training for Optimal Performance
Join now so you can reach your potential with science-backed strategies designed especially for menopausal women. This is the culmination of the latest research and over 25 years of my experience.
Perfect for peri, menopausal, and post-menopausal women and the people who support them.

The Menopause 2.0 course gets an overall rating of 4.9/5.0, and 99% of respondents recommend the course to ALL active women over 45 (over 400 reviews).
My Menopause 2.0 course qualifies for Continuing Education Credits (CECs) with the following organizations.
CEC value is USA Tri (5), NASM (1.5), AFAA (15), CPTN (14), NCST (7), NSCA (1.5), NESTA (1.5), ACSM (6), BANT (15), CANFITPRO (4).
Even if your organization isn’t listed, many of our students have successfully gained Continuing Education Credits using the Certificate of Completion and the detailed course syllabus.

What’s inside

1: The Science of Menopause
In this module, I will take you through what is menopause, review the hormones associated with it and look at the common symptoms and theories behind the causes.

2: Interventions
In this module, I will look at interventions like Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and then suggest alternatives that might be appropriate for some people.

3. Menopausal Athlete Training
In this module, I will talk about how our training needs are changing due to our changing body. I cover how to train, when to train, how hard to train, and what sort of training to do.

4. Menopausal Athlete Nutrition
In this module, I will dive deep into nutritional aspects of menopause and talk about some of the fad diets out there. I will talk about how to change your diet to match what is going on with your body.

5: Case Studies
In this module, I will go over 9 case studies of women I have worked with. I go into detail about their situation when I first saw them, then what we did, and then the outcome. I am sure you will find a huge amount of practical information on nutrition and training that applies to yourself here.

Certificate of completion
All students are eligible to receive a certificate of completion for the program.
What some of our students are saying about their experience in the course:

Kristen A. (USA)
As a sports RD specializing in sports nutrition for women, this course was essential learning for me. The format and delivery of the course was easy to absorb, and the information was targeted yet comprehensive. Dr. Sims is a world-class specialist and her findings cannot be understated!

Debbie W. (Australia)
The Menopause Course is pure gold. I wish I had it available when I first hit perimenopause - it would have made a HUGE difference to the 62-year old me now. However never too late to change and armed with this excellent information, I plan to be training well into my 'later years'.

Deb K. (Australia)
I have just completed the Menopause online course presented by Dr. Stacy Sims. Instinctively I had always known that we needed a paradigm shift in all aspects of our thinking about this demographic, particularly with the way we have been coaching female athletes. This course provided the science, the practical application, and the motivation to have the conversations and implement the significant changes that will improve the health, performance, potential, and wellbeing of females wishing to be and stay active and competitive for as long as they chose to.
Menopause 2.0: Next Level Training for Optimal Performance
Join now so you can reach your potential with science-backed strategies designed especially for menopausal women. This is the culmination of the latest research and over 25 years of personal experience.
The course is perfect for peri, menopausal, and post-menopausal women and those supporting them and includes:
- 5 Modules (57 Chapters) of learning totaling over 15 hours of educational time, including nine detailed case studies
- Links to other interesting and relevant content
- Critical thinking exercises
- Keyword searchable access to all the videos so you can find a topic quickly and easily
- Access to this content, plus any changes, for as long as we offer this version of the course. (Learn why we don't offer it 'forever')
- On-Demand Learning - learn from anywhere and at any time
- You can start tight now! Choose from the options below
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long do I get access to this course?
Will it be Dr Stacy Sims herself teaching the course, or will be someone else teaching her content?
How fit and active do I need to be to do this course? Do I need to be an athlete?
Who is this course designed for?
Will there be information for those who have had total hysterectomy?
Will there be information on post-menopausal women?
Will there be information for coaches?
Is Menopause 2.0 a different course from Menopause for Athletes?
Will there be information for those with early menopause?
Does this course get me Continuing Education Credits?
Will study publications and references used be cited?
How do I access everything?
What can I do with this course?
I have not done any courses or read any books by Dr. Stacy Sims; will this course be ok for me?
I have read Next Level; is this course different enough to be of any use to me? What about ROAR?
How long is the Course and how much time is required every week?
Do I have to watch at certain times?
I am already post-menopausal, will this course help me?
How much is the course?

Fiona B. (UK)
This course is fantastic, I can't recommend it enough, not only as a recreational running coach but also as a peri-menopausal endurance runner myself. The content is easily digestible and completely relevant. I took longer than five weeks to complete it as I kept returning to it to really embed the info and strategy. I've implemented changes and strategies from the course, and myself and some of my peri/post-menopausal athletes are already feeling the benefits.

Jane W. (New Zealand)
Stacy's Menopause course was just what I wanted. As a Women's Health Coach and PT a lot of my clients are going through the menopause transition, (including myself). The knowledge I have gained from this course is going to be so beneficial to help them and myself be where we want to be and feel great about ourselves. I loved that it was all based on comprehensive research, and Stacy presents it in such a way that it is relatively easy to understand and implement.