If the Start of the Year is Getting You Down…
Here’s some advice that might help.
January and February can often be challenging for many people. The holidays are over, money might be tighter, daylight hours are limited, and the weather can be freezing (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway).
While the “New Year, New You” messaging that abounds can help infuse enthusiasm and energy in some people, I think it can feel burdensome for a lot of women. I particularly reel when I hear women talking about making this year the year they finally lose weight and drop two dress sizes. I get it, I understand it can be hard to change life-long learned habits when it comes to talking about our bodies, so if there’s one promise you make to yourself this January, make it about committing to talking positively about your body and other people’s. It’s something I’ve been giving an increasing amount of thought to lately, especially being aware of who is listening when we talk about our bodies. To empower future generations to feel strong and good about their bodies, it starts with the language we use and what they are exposed to. Remember that you are strong, powerful and important—and all of that is about so much more than how you look.